Upcoming Haverford Meeting Events
One-time Upcoming Events:
Pancake breakfast- Sunday, March 2, 9:30, Forum Room- all are welcome!
Book Discussion -Thursday, March 20th, 7-8 PM via Zoom. Our discussion of James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time and Eddie Glaude Jr’s Begin Again is for Haverford Friends Meeting, Haverford and Bryn Mawr College, and the wider Quaker community. RSVP to Blair Seitz, blairseitzphotos@gmail.com for Zoom link.
Retreat for Busy Mothers – RSVP by February 9th Beloved, busy mothers in the Haverford Meeting community, you are invited to a retreat to restore, nurture, and connect the mothers in our community. Retreat Topic: Caring for Our Caregivers: The Mothers Facilitator: Bethann Lynch When: 11:00 am
Saturday, June 7, 2025 - 3:00 pm Sunday, June 8, 2025 Where: Pendle Hill Wallingford, Pa Total Attendees: Space is limited to 8 participants/mothers Please email Bethann Lynch at bclynch237@gmail.com using the subject line Caring for Our Caregivers: The Mothers with your interest by Sunday February 9, 2025.
See the weekly newsletters ( under Registered Users>Newsletters) for additional events.
Recurring Meeting Events:
Meditation Group -Saturdays 8 AM (In-Person only)- "Come as you are”— no RSVP necessary
8:00 - 8:10 AM: Gather at Haverford Friends Meetinghouse; 8:10 - 8:35 AM: Meditation; 8:35 - 9:00 AM: Conversation
Kaffee Klatch- Wednesdays 1:30 PM-2;30 PM - an informal Zoom meeting of F(f)riends from around the country for camaraderie and thought-provoking conversation. Contact Host: Meg Lytton (drmlytton@gmail.com) or join at
Childcare- for children from infants and up, is available almost all Sundays while parents attend Meeting for Worship. For more information, please see
Pancake Breakfast- first Sunday of almost every month, 9:30 AM--for Parents, Children and Anyone Who Likes Pancakes! in the Forum Room. Check the Meeting calendar.
Friends School Haverford Upcoming Events:
Mike Inskeep, 9/22/2022