Upcoming Haverford Meeting Events

One-time Upcoming Events: 

Retreat for Busy Mothers RSVP by February 9th Beloved, busy mothers in the Haverford Meeting community, you are invited to a retreat to restore, nurture, and connect the mothers in our community. Retreat Topic: Caring for Our Caregivers: The Mothers Facilitator: Bethann Lynch When: 11:00 am Saturday, June 7, 2025 - 3:00 pm Sunday, June 8, 2025 Where: Pendle Hill Wallingford, Pa Total Attendees: Space is limited to 8 participants/mothers Please email Bethann Lynch at bclynch237@gmail.com using the subject line Caring for Our Caregivers: The Mothers with your interest by Sunday February 9, 2025. 

“Healing Polarities”- 3 Sundays - Feb 2nd, 16th & 23rd- 12:00 pm-1:30 pm
Facilitated by Kenwyn Smith*. Forum Room
Don't miss this exceptional opportunity. Sign up at the Meeting House or by email to Blair
Seitz blairseitzphotos@gmail.com or Carol Mosher cabmosher@gmail.com

See the weekly newsletters ( under Registered Users>Newsletters) for additional events. 

Recurring Meeting Events:

Meditation Group -Saturdays 8 AM (In-Person only)- "Come as you are”— no RSVP necessary
8:00 - 8:10 AM: Gather at Haverford Friends Meetinghouse; 8:10 - 8:35 AM: Meditation; 8:35 - 9:00 AM: Conversation

Kaffee Klatch- Wednesdays 1:30 PM-2;30 PM - an informal Zoom meeting of F(f)riends from around the country for camaraderie and thought-provoking conversation. Contact Host: Meg Lytton (drmlytton@gmail.com) or join at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88354612825?pwd=dEtZR0JzSlg4R2NJakZJdWcwNGVHUT09#success

Childcare- for children from infants and up, is available almost all Sundays while parents attend Meeting for Worship. For more information, please see Children/Youth.

Pancake Breakfast-  first Sunday of almost every month, 9:30 AM--for Parents, Children and Anyone  Who Likes Pancakes! in the Forum Room. Check the Meeting calendar.

Friends School Haverford Upcoming Events: 






Mike Inskeep, 9/22/2022